Srinagar, July 04: Sister of Handwara-based media person Aadil Akbar, Zainab Akbar (24), passed away on the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday. Zainab had sustained critical head injuries in a road accident in Langate Handwara a few days ago. She was initially taken to District Hospital Handwara and later referred to SKIMS Soura for further treatment. Despite receiving intensive care at the tertiary hospital, Zainab unfortunately succumbed to her injuries around 2:30 AM. The funeral prayers for Zainab will take place at 9:30 AM today in the ancestral village of Baki Aker Handwara.
Greater Now team extend deepest condolences to Aadil Akbar and his family. Chief Editor Iqbal Amin in his message says that we stand with the family particularly with Aadil Akbar in this difficult time and prays to Allah to bestow the departed soul in heaven and give courage to family to bear the irrepressible loss.